Villa Esperanza

Offering a hand of support throughout Covid.

Changemaker: Miguel Amórtegui

(Project completed)

"Santos, Community leader learning to frame" Photo by Miguel Amórtegui


We are humbled to showcase a heartwarming project led by Change Maker Miguel Amortegui, dedicated to offering a helping hand to the marginalized community of Villa Esperanza in Lima, Peru. This initiative emerged as a beacon of hope during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, where Miguel's passion for photography and video workshops transformed lives.


Villa Esperanza is a resilient community nestled high in the mountains of Lima, Peru. However, the pandemic brought life in this community to a standstill, paralyzing income-generating activities and causing immense hardship. With limited access to resources and livelihoods in jeopardy, more than 700 individuals were in dire need of support.

The Project:

A few years before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Miguel began his engagement with the Villa Esperanza community. He initiated video and photography workshops, equipping community members with the essential tools and skills necessary to narrate their stories and communicate their experiences effectively. These workshops served as a powerful catalyst for creativity, enabling participants to capture the very essence of their lives and aspirations. When the pandemic struck, Miguel adapted to the challenging circumstances by transitioning these workshops to an online format. Even amidst the upheaval, he remained committed to supporting the community in creating compelling content and launching appeals for financial assistance through various social media platforms, providing much-needed help during these trying times.

Creating a Social Media Campaign:

Together, Miguel and the community embarked on a journey to create a compelling social media campaign. This campaign not only highlighted the unique stories and talents within Villa Esperanza but also aimed to generate income through online channels.

Empowering More Than 700 Lives:

The impact of this project was profound. It empowered over 700 individuals to not only survive through the pandemic but also regain a sense of purpose and pride. Through the power of visual storytelling, the community was able to connect with a broader audience and provide for their families.

Supporting Villa Esperanza:

As a result of Miguel's guidance and the community's dedication, Villa Esperanza's social media campaign generated income, enabling residents to purchase essential provisions and secure their livelihoods during the pandemic.

A Beacon of Hope:

This project stands as a testament to the resilience of Villa Esperanza and the transformative power of artistic expression. It demonstrates how, even in the face of adversity, individuals like Miguel Amortegui can inspire positive change and bring hope to communities in need.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

If you are inspired by this project and wish to support similar initiatives, please consider joining forces with The Egg Foundation. Your support can be a lifeline for communities facing challenges like those in Villa Esperanza. We believe that together, we can create a world where every community thrives.

Thank You:

We extend our gratitude the people of Villa Esperanza for their resilience, creativity, and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity. Your stories inspire us all.


The Power of Transformation (United Kingdom)


Nurturing Young Hearts and Minds (United Kingdom)