Nurturing Young Hearts and Minds

Meade Hill SchoolYouth Phototherapy Workshops

Changemaker: Miguel Amórtegui

(Project completed)

"Santos, Community leader learning to frame" Photo by Miguel Amórtegui


We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on a transformative project led by Miguel Angel Amortegui, one that touched the lives of a group of vulnerable children facing significant challenges in the Meade Hill School, Manchester. This initiative, driven by compassion and the power of participatory photography, provided these young souls with not only a creative outlet but also therapeutic guidance to navigate their struggles.

The Participants:

The project centered on a group of young individuals, often deprived, who bore the weight of various challenges, including problems at home, anxiety, ADHD, and depression. Some were at the precipice of a perilous path, beginning to grapple with drug use. Their resilience in the face of adversity was awe-inspiring.

The Meade Hill School Connection:

Our project unfolded within the walls of a school in Manchester, a place where these children sought refuge from their tumultuous lives. It was here that the Egg foundation delivered two transformative participatory photography workshops.

Photography as Therapy:

These workshops were far more than just photography sessions; they were therapeutic journeys. We approached each workshop with a compassionate and guiding hand. Through the art of photography, the children found a voice to express their emotions, fears, and dreams, often left unspoken.

The Transformative Process:

Over the course of these workshops, the young participants embarked on a cathartic exploration of their inner worlds. They captured moments of vulnerability, resilience, and hope through their lenses. Each photograph was a testament to their strength and their determination to heal.

The Gallery Exhibition:

The culmination of their artistic and therapeutic journey was a heartwarming exhibition hosted in a local gallery. Here, the children's work was proudly displayed for the entire community to see. It was a moment of profound empowerment as these young artists shared their stories, struggles, and aspirations with the world.

Giving Voice to the Voiceless:

The exhibition wasn't just about photographs; it was a platform for these young souls to have their voices heard. Their art conveyed emotions, spoke of their journeys, and, most importantly, conveyed a message of resilience. It was a testament to the power of art as a means of self-expression and healing.

The Path Forward:

While the gallery exhibition was a milestone, it was just one step on their path to healing and growth. The therapeutic impact of these workshops extended far beyond the camera lens. They provided a lifeline, a way for these children to process their emotions and connect with their inner strength.

Join Us in Supporting Young Hearts and Minds:

If you are inspired by this project and wish to support initiatives like this, consider joining The Egg Foundation. Your support can be a beacon of hope for vulnerable children, providing them with the tools and guidance they need to navigate life's challenges.

Thank You:

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the resilient children of Meade Hill School in Manchester who, through their photography, showed us the power of resilience, art, and the human spirit. Your stories continue to inspire us all.


Villa Nueva Esperanza (Peru)